Sunday, August 30, 2009

A summer that wasn't

Summers are no longer what they are used to be. No, they are still warm and muggy. They just lost their animation. Lets start chronologically.
Do you remember your summer breaks during middle and high school? I still have clear impressions of those days on my mind.  Three months long summer. Summer which demanded nothing. Summer in which so much planning was done to be disorganized. When day began at  6 in the morning in the cricket field , stretched through extended sessions of UNO (card game) with friends in the afternoon over the countless lemonades. Evenings were reserved for kite flying and like kites spirits used to soar.  With the sunset comic books used to come out of the drawer. Power cut was never the hindrance in tryst with chacha chaudhary and bankelal. Candle light only added to the vividness. With us used to go the smell of mud and sweat in the bed. Our world was never so carefree before. Those were the summers which every mother prayed to end and every kid lost the counting of days.

Summer during college days was more like a culture. Lemonade was replaced by the pop and kingfisher.  It gave girls the reason to show their skin and us the motive to bunk the classes and sit in the canteen to try our odds. One liners on T-shirts were in vogue. Everybody wore their humor, an opportunity which winters don't provide. As lame it might be but summers gave us the  excuse to drink beers during day time. What else could you do to keep yourself cool without coolers or air conditioners in the hostel room? I know you have much to say but it was the way we were.  Young and restless in the scorching summer.
2009 summers just passed. Week days slogging in office. Week ends in recuperating from exhaustion. No lemonade, no beer, no skin no, no one liners, no comics, no kites. Bryan adam's summer of 69 brought the nostalgia with it. To say the least, it was a summer that wasn't!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Smell of rain.

It was raining. Life ceased to exist on streets. Only two of them were sitting in cafe when their eyes met. They were not strangers to each other. Two years back they met in the same cafe. Things were different at that time. Both were young. They didn't care about the world. A while was like forever. Forever was like a while. They had no no idea what bonded them together. And how does it matters anyways. But things do change. They are mature now. Very mature. Two years is not a long time for such a transition but circumstances are. Now laughs lost their spontaneity and tears their meaning. They both pledged to live together but promises are meant to be broken. They parted a year back. Without knowing the reason. Break ups are always stiff but reasons lie underneath. There were no reasons for their parting. Some things just happen without any reason.

Eyes were talking. Hearts listening. Emotions soaring. Yet nothing was said. Nothing could be said. Explanations were trivial now. They had so much to say and too little to understand. And now. Vice versa. The mathematics of their relation lied in a simple equation. One plus one equals two. Equation was still there. one minus one equals zero. A big zero. A non entity. Math was never so morbid. They remembered in their hearts the countless evenings they spent in the same cafe. Coffee tasted so good at that time.

Rain always brings the smell. This was the smell of their past. Sweet!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

with love..

Dear Rahul,
Let's talk.
I am feeling desolate since few days. I have never ever felt so helpless before. What have I done to make you abandon me completely? I know we had some rough edges since we know each other but from past few days I am feeling like an unwanted guest in my own house. You must know I care for you and therefore can't see myself neglected and you suffering.
The other day you saw some pretty girl and went for her. You didn't even bother to tell me. I know who pumped you for such a heroic deed. Hence, the heart break. I always suggested you to be nice to people. You never listen. And see what you did yesterday. Had you not laughed on the face of fat lady with nine children you would have survived cleanly without breaking any of your body part. I also felt the pain. Mine is endless list but I am not mean like you. I like to correct people whom I love not to denounce them.
We complete each other. Little faith in me is all I need from you. I hope you won't disappoint me.
with love,
Your Brain.

P.S. I am still virgin.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I hate..

Everyone is so desperate. Desperation is all they got. What I got? Is there any thing called "anti-desperation". Must be. So what I like to do? Tricky! Indeed. What I don't like would be must easier for me to answer. So here I begin.

# I don't like to think. It's contagious. So I maintain distance from thoughtful creatures. They are prejudiced. They are opinionated. Call me dumb. I don't care. You are thinking again.

# I don't like to be nice. Being nice don't need any responsibility on your part. You don't belong anywhere else. Neither good nor bad. Just nice. So am I rude? Like I care.

# I don't like to exercise. You eat cheese burger, count calories you just consumed, you go to gym, you sweat, you burn calories. or you eat cheese burger, you thank Mac Donald with every bite, you eat it again. I belong to the latter set.

# I don't like to stare blankly on computer screen and refresh it without any reason. Come on now don't feel embarrass. You are not alone.

Most of the people don't fit into my world. They are enthusiastic. I am not. They are exigent. I don't care. They are organized. I love randomness. My advice - "get some life".