Friday, October 25, 2013

God Damn it!

I understand the emotions and passions of Sachin's fans. I also appreciate the cricket genius that he is. Like any other follower of him who grew up watching him play, I have also my share of memories of his heyday. But of late, I have found him driven by the personal achievements rather than the love for the game. Don't you think that for him to keep blocking a spot in the team's roster just to complete his 200 tests is highly unfair to another aspiring cricketer? How would you justify his mediocre batting average of 31.14 in last two years? How about the elongated leeway given to the man in the name of honor and respect? Of course, he has contributed immensely to the country but the nation has always returned the favor with even greater fervor. Bending the rules for Rajya Sabha nomination only to accommodate him is one example. Exempting the duty on his imported Ferrari is another. What baffles me most is that the same people who were bashing him until his announcement for stretching his stay are now singing paeans for him and making him into some kind of infallible figure. Why the sudden compulsion for this unconditional love? Yes, I am sad as well. Not because the god has retired but because he was never the god!