Saturday, September 13, 2008

Have you even wondered?

Human beings are the most intelligent species on earth.And if NASA don't succeed in its mission(which I am pretty much sure) to discover anything having more brains than us we will continue to rule.Alexander pope was right when he said "Little knowledge is dangerous thing". However this phrase is not complete.It is missing a universal truth that we so often ignore. So to rephrase it "Little knowledge is dangerous thing but having little brain is fatal".People who are short of brains often find it difficult to adjust.The explanation is simple.This world is full of intelligent and smart people.
Unfortunately all my friends are more intelligent than me.They usually ask me this question "Have you even wondered?".The answer is simple. No.I believe everything they say to me. Not because they are very trustworthy but because I don't have brains to ponder over their extra smart questions. For example one day my friend asked me a question which completely bowled me over. He asked "If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? "Now being a humanitarian I know that they don't eat humans. Damn!! What do they eat then?? Later when I asked him in private he told me that it was meant to be joke.See this is the problem with these smart guys. They crack jokes which only people with more than a certain thresh hold can understand. Creatures like me are struggling very hard to survive in this levelheaded world. I hope you belong to different set.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Everyone is good at something. This statement is an exaggeration. I am not. To coin a phrase I am jack of all trades. I am good at nothing. Now the thing in which you are really good at generally qualifies to be your hobby. Well than you can say I don’t have one. My resume don’t have any word like “Hobby” in it.
My friend is good at playing guitar. All I know that guitar has five strings. Wait , I think its six. Another friend of mine is a very good singer. Yes I can also sing. But I was disowned from this right in my childhood when I was asked to sing a song in front of some guests. They never visited us again. My brother is genious in maths. In fact he can tell you what twenty three by twenty seven is before you stop asking him. I can also do some calculations. I know two plus two is umm…um.. four. Yes right. Does that mean I am good at mathematics?
So what I am good at. Something that I can do better than others.I was contemplating very hard over this question all day long. Luckily I got the answer. Nothing. Now my ingenious mind is again asking me another question. How I do “nothing” better than others? The answer is simple. Everytime when our subject teacher asks us to solve a problem I am the only guy in the entire class to reply “I can do nothing about it”. This means I am way ahead of other students in doing nothing. I am so glad. I finally discovered my stronghold. I don’t have to feel inferiority complex anymore when I meet my friends and my brother. Do you know what I am going to do to celebrate my discovery? Nothing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The day was ordinary as usual until I happened to see her.Serendipity was playing its part.She was extra ordinary. She was seated directly opposite to me in college bus going back to south campus where I stay. Had she been any foreigner I would have control my nerves.She was a Desi. An Indian. How do I know??? Don't ask this question ever again to any Indian living in US.Desi girls are really endangered species here and so we developed the skills to recognize them at the very first sight.Boy! she was a stunner, a real looker. Albeit I am known to be a very shy guy in my fraternity but today I was not in mood to be one. I was not going to let the opportunity go.I started looking in her eyes. Do I hear you say "Ogling". Yes you are right I was ogling at her.I think she sensed that and was looking away from me.That ten minutes ride might be the longest drive for her and definitely the most pleasant drive for me.

I watched her going as she got off from the bus.Then suddenly an insane thought occurred to me. I approached her from behind and yelled "Excuse me miss I need to tell you something". "What?", She said blankly."I know this will sound like a cliche but you are very beautiful". Damn!! did I just hear myself saying these words to her. I will never watch Shahrukh Khan movies again.No way she will be impressed with this silly statement. I was so engrossed in my weird thoughts that I didn't realize she was more nearer to me."Thank you" she said smiling. Yipeeee!!! I screamed out loud inside my head."I didn't get your name by the way" I asked. "Aditi", she said. "Hi, I am Rahul. Nice to meet you".

It was probably our fourth meeting when I planned to propose her.I have never felt like this for anyone else before(no seriously).I am not very good at playing with words so decided to keep it simple.I also remembered the dialogue from a Jim Carrey movie. Simple is nice.Nice is Beautiful."Adi, I Love you", I said.Long Pause.I could sense the tension.Say something damn it!!. "Me too" She said at last.Romance was in the air. I hold her hands and about to kiss her when I heard her say "This can't be done.This is a NP complete problem".What??? How can a kiss be NP complete? Are you nuts? I felt a sudden jerk. Kapil was shaking me saying " Lets go dude.Class is over" It was algorithm class.I was in my own world during the boring lecture.I boarded the bus back to south campus.Good things happen only once and that too in dreams. I was alone in the bus.

Monday, September 1, 2008

One night Stand!!!

Yes study one night before your exams and you will be an engineer according to every rule book in India. I am also a one night stand engineer. My one night stand with studies also ensured me a good job in a reputed IT company. Every thing was going smooth. I was enjoying the reputation of being a software engineer.

Some things in life are predestined but others are designed by person himself. I also designed my fate to screw myself .And here I am lying in my couch 18000 miles away from my homeland and writing this blog ( I don’t know why?) at 2 Am in the morning. No I am not that kind of blogger who can’t start his day without writing one. I am writing this blog just because I have to keep myself awake to delve myself back into the studies. Writing and imagining stupid things can help me. And guess what there are no exams from tomorrow. I have to study because I can’t afford one night stand in US (I know this is paradox). Can you imagine??

Why these people are so hypocrites. Why do they raise their standards when come to studies only. One night stands with human beings are OK but with studies aren’t. It is fine to screw people but not your studies. Give me a break. I guess you have read enough to curse me for my verbosity and randomness and I have enough to keep me going all night.
