Monday, September 1, 2008

One night Stand!!!

Yes study one night before your exams and you will be an engineer according to every rule book in India. I am also a one night stand engineer. My one night stand with studies also ensured me a good job in a reputed IT company. Every thing was going smooth. I was enjoying the reputation of being a software engineer.

Some things in life are predestined but others are designed by person himself. I also designed my fate to screw myself .And here I am lying in my couch 18000 miles away from my homeland and writing this blog ( I don’t know why?) at 2 Am in the morning. No I am not that kind of blogger who can’t start his day without writing one. I am writing this blog just because I have to keep myself awake to delve myself back into the studies. Writing and imagining stupid things can help me. And guess what there are no exams from tomorrow. I have to study because I can’t afford one night stand in US (I know this is paradox). Can you imagine??

Why these people are so hypocrites. Why do they raise their standards when come to studies only. One night stands with human beings are OK but with studies aren’t. It is fine to screw people but not your studies. Give me a break. I guess you have read enough to curse me for my verbosity and randomness and I have enough to keep me going all night.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. g8 start man !
    keep posting !
    good luck !

  3. wel luks like u hav had enuf experience of one night stand!!!

  4. nice !now i got to know something more about you, kahan chupe hue the ab tak ,you have described yourself well in this...
