Saturday, September 13, 2008

Have you even wondered?

Human beings are the most intelligent species on earth.And if NASA don't succeed in its mission(which I am pretty much sure) to discover anything having more brains than us we will continue to rule.Alexander pope was right when he said "Little knowledge is dangerous thing". However this phrase is not complete.It is missing a universal truth that we so often ignore. So to rephrase it "Little knowledge is dangerous thing but having little brain is fatal".People who are short of brains often find it difficult to adjust.The explanation is simple.This world is full of intelligent and smart people.
Unfortunately all my friends are more intelligent than me.They usually ask me this question "Have you even wondered?".The answer is simple. No.I believe everything they say to me. Not because they are very trustworthy but because I don't have brains to ponder over their extra smart questions. For example one day my friend asked me a question which completely bowled me over. He asked "If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? "Now being a humanitarian I know that they don't eat humans. Damn!! What do they eat then?? Later when I asked him in private he told me that it was meant to be joke.See this is the problem with these smart guys. They crack jokes which only people with more than a certain thresh hold can understand. Creatures like me are struggling very hard to survive in this levelheaded world. I hope you belong to different set.


  1. Dont worry bro..!! I will always b on your side.... ->|<-

    But inte. an PJs mei kuch to difference hota na....

    Hannibal Lecter would love to be a humanitarian.

  2. Brother i can vouch 4 it now tht u r amongst d one of them ...quite spendid work n i specially liked d first three lines...

  3. Thank you for the kind words Shanky :)
