Saturday, September 6, 2008


Everyone is good at something. This statement is an exaggeration. I am not. To coin a phrase I am jack of all trades. I am good at nothing. Now the thing in which you are really good at generally qualifies to be your hobby. Well than you can say I don’t have one. My resume don’t have any word like “Hobby” in it.
My friend is good at playing guitar. All I know that guitar has five strings. Wait , I think its six. Another friend of mine is a very good singer. Yes I can also sing. But I was disowned from this right in my childhood when I was asked to sing a song in front of some guests. They never visited us again. My brother is genious in maths. In fact he can tell you what twenty three by twenty seven is before you stop asking him. I can also do some calculations. I know two plus two is umm…um.. four. Yes right. Does that mean I am good at mathematics?
So what I am good at. Something that I can do better than others.I was contemplating very hard over this question all day long. Luckily I got the answer. Nothing. Now my ingenious mind is again asking me another question. How I do “nothing” better than others? The answer is simple. Everytime when our subject teacher asks us to solve a problem I am the only guy in the entire class to reply “I can do nothing about it”. This means I am way ahead of other students in doing nothing. I am so glad. I finally discovered my stronghold. I don’t have to feel inferiority complex anymore when I meet my friends and my brother. Do you know what I am going to do to celebrate my discovery? Nothing.


  1. So far... the best......!! keep it goin.....

  2. LOLs...

    Such throughts have run through my mind lots of times...

    Anyways, you indeed are good at one thing - writing.

